#MotivationMonday: 15 Minutes
The most common complaint I hear about learning new skill sets (not just Social Media) is: "I don't have enough time to...." Now, when someone says that to the Queen of Procrastinators (*ahem, *cough-cough*), it takes an entire engineering team from NASA and some Russian hackers to prevent my eyes from rolling into the back of my head. Here's an analogy: in the early 2000's I REALLY wanted to learn to knit. Like, badly. All the cool kids were doing it (get on my level of coolness), and I really, really wanted to MAKE/Create something for myself, something very specific. Knitting isn't easy, for me. It's a breeze for some of my friends, and I would stare open, gaping mouth at them as their fingers nimbly twisted yarn, fiddled with needles and essentially created something from STRING. That was something I wanted to do. With great humility, I struggled, asked what I only imagined were the dumbest questions on the planet, greatly revered these men...